Welcome to the Arizona Lyme Disease Association website


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Academy Award semifinalist UNDER OUR SKIN brought unprecedented awareness to the shocking story of Lyme disease, an often-chronic condition many doctors claimed was “all in your head."  Since then, the CDC has upped its estimate of annual cases by ten times, making Lyme disease more prevalent than HIV and breast cancer combined.  This highly-anticipated sequel investigates the deepening Lyme disease crisis and follows its casualties and controversies.  As the Lyme epidemic explodes globally, scandalous medical collusions and conflicts of interest incriminate the very healthcare systems meant to protect us.  Despite the obstacles that researchers, physicians and patients continue to face, promising new findings are emerging.  And when we revisit the unforgettable characters from UNDER OUR SKIN, we see that they have moved from horror to hope, arriving at better health and reclaiming their lives. 






The Lyme Disease Association (LDA) reports that the total number of Lyme cases in the US is now approaching 400,000 per year.

The report is based upon the just released CDC's MMWR final reported Lyme case numbers for 2015.  The 3 states with the highest case numbers are from the Mid-Atlantic region: Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York.  These three states constitute 48% of the Lyme case numbers in the US.  LDA president Pat Smith said "Lyme case numbers continue to surge, yet government is doing little to combat this massive epidemic, which destroys families and costs lives."

The LDA has ranked the top 15 states based on those CDC reported Lyme case numbers.
The table below has state, followed by CDC reported number, and the number adjusted by a factor of 10 for underreporting.
USA Case Map

Total US 38,069------------------------------------------------380,690
US Total Reported Cases 1990-2014

  90,4801. Pennsylvania 9,048----------

2. New Jersey 4,855-------------------------------------------- 48,550

3. New York 4,314 (combined NYC & upstate) *-------  43,140

4. Massachusetts 4,224-------------------------------------------- 42,240

5. Connecticut 2,541------------------------------------------------ 25,410

6. Wisconsin 1,894-------------------------------------------------- 18,940

7. Minnesota 1,805-------------------------------------------------- 18,050

8. Maryland 1,728--------------------------------------------------- 17,280

9. Virginia 1,539------------------------------------------------------15,390

10. Maine 1,201----------------------------------------------------- 12,010

11. Rhode Island 904------------------------------------------------ 9,040

12. Vermont 710------------------------------------------------------ 7,100

13. New Hampshire 529-------------------------------------------- 5,290

14. Delaware 435----------------------------------------------------  4,350

15. Iowa 318----------------------------------------------------------- 3,180

* Many counties (19 in 2014) in New York State investigated a sample of positive laboratory results. The number of Lyme cases was then extrapolated to generate estimates of the total number of cases in that particular county. The CDC says it cannot publish averages, thus many counties in NY do not have their numbers reported out by CDC.  The LDA does not know how many NY counties in 2015 are contained in the CDC numbers above.
From the Florida Lyme Disease Association:

Fundraiser    Please help support AzLDA

Donations are greatly appreciated and tax deductible.
Help support AzLDA and it's all volunteer staff.
PO Box 35637
Tucson AZ 85740

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Phoenix support Group

Meeting 3rd Saturday of each month  1 - 3pm See support Groups page

Tucson Support Group  

Meeting 2nd Saturday of the month 2 - 4 pm  See support Groups page

PO Box 35637
Tucson AZ 85740

info @ azlyme.org  (close space before and after the @ symbol)

DISCLAIMER: All information posted on this site is provided for educational purposes only. It is not to be construed as medical advice regarding the treatment of any symptoms or disease. You should obtain medical advice of your personal physician before pursuing any treatment mentioned here.